Drunken Zamboni driver arrested in Quebec after crashing into boards

Maverick Mitchell
October 23, 2024  (2:53 PM)

A drunk Zamboni driver has been arrested by the police and taken into custody after crashing into the boards at a local hockey arena in Quebec.

Us Canadiens get upset at the stereotype our U.S. neighbors give us, saying that we drive Zamboni's everywhere, obviously not true, but an odd case of driving under the influence has just given them some fuel to add the the fire.

The crash took place in Gatineau, Quebec, a city just outside of Ottawa at the Meredith Center arena in Chelsea. The driver was caught working the Zamboni drunk and drove it stright into the boards.

The local police have released the footage where it shows an official approaching him, but what they said to the drunk driver clearly was not clear enough for him. Even though it did not cause a ton of damage, the driver still lost control, hitting the boards with a good amount of force.


The driver was found to be under the influence of alcohol and was arrested on the spot by Public Security police officers from the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais. His driver's license was suspended, though he was released while awaiting trial.

Thankfully, the driver, nor the hockey official were not injured in the crash as he was not moving at a high rate of speed, but it does reaffirm the idea that operating any vehicle at any speed under the influence is not a good idea.

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